Staying Healthy While Traveling

Air Travel…

Air travel can be a real pain sometimes. From dry air to long hours of sitting, it’s easy to feel run down after a flight. But don’t worry! With a few simple tricks, you can stay healthy and feel better during and after your trip. Here’s how:

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Drink Plenty of Water

Airplane cabins are super dry, which can make you feel dehydrated. Try to drink a lot of water before, during, and after your flight. It’s a good idea to avoid too much caffeine or alcohol since they can dry you out even more. Aim to drink about 8 ounces of water every hour you’re in the air.

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Move around

Sitting for a long time can make your legs feel stiff and increase the risk of blood clots. To keep your blood flowing, stretch and move around when you can. Do some in-seat exercises like ankle circles, and take walks up and down the aisle every couple of hours if possible.

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Bring Healthy Snacks

Airplane food might not always be the best, so pack some healthy snacks to keep your energy up. Nuts, fruits, veggies, or whole-grain crackers are great options. They’ll help you avoid unhealthy junk food and keep you feeling good.

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Get some sleep

Flying can mess up your sleep schedule, especially if you’re crossing time zones. Try to adjust your sleep routine before your trip to match your destination’s time zone. On the plane, use a neck pillow and blanket to make sleeping easier. Sleep masks and earplugs can also help block out light and noise.

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Stay Clean

Airplanes are full of germs because lots of people use them. Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your face as much as possible, and bring some disinfectant wipes to clean things like your tray table and armrests.

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Wear Comfy Clothes

Dress in loose, comfy clothes and layers that you can adjust depending on the plane’s temperature. Compression socks can also help keep your legs from swelling and improve circulation.

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Eat Light

Big, heavy meals right before or during your flight can upset your stomach. Instead, eat smaller, lighter meals and snacks throughout the day. This helps your digestion and keeps you feeling better.

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Help Your Ears

The change in air pressure can make your ears feel weird. Chewing gum or yawning often can help equalize the pressure in your ears. If you have sinus issues or ear infections, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor before flying.

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Move During Layovers

If you have a layover, use the time to walk around and stretch. Many airports have areas where you can exercise, and moving around will help you stay refreshed for your next flight.

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Relax and Destress

Traveling can be stressful, which isn’t great for your health. Try some relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or listening to calming music to help manage stress and feel better overall.

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Relax and Destress

Traveling can be stressful, which isn’t great for your health. Try some relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or listening to calming music to help manage stress and feel better overall.

With these simple tips, you can make your air travel experience a lot more comfortable and healthier. Happy travels!

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